Thursday, 26 September 2013

September Hue

Living in the country, evening walks this time of year are perfect. Even better, with your goofy special someone... :)

A week or two ago, Matt and I took Boone to explore some of the areas around my house, and I brought my camera along to capture a few things... Matt even had fun behind the camera! 

Here are just a few of the photos we took!

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Bricks & Vines

Welcome to my new blog!... My first post! :)

With the purchase of my new toy (camera), I wanted to go out and have a fun shoot with a few friends to become comfortable with its settings. Thankfully, I have beautiful friends willing to offer their good looks!

In early September, Macy, Amanda and I took a little adventure afternoon and just had fun capturing some shots around Jordan & Vineland area.

Here is the result of our time together! Hope you enjoy!